Grund- und Oberflächenwasserüberwachung ehemalige Kiesgrube Steinbach; Sanierungsgesellschaft für Deponien und Altlasten mbH

Service Provider

R & H Umwelt GmbH

Schnorrstraße 5A / 90471 Nürnberg
Phone: 0911 86 88-10
Location of performance / Site: Ebelsbach, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Period: Mar - Apr 2016
Responsible company location: Nürnberg (Headquarters)
Landfill Remediation
Landfill-specific Properties
Monitoring: Groundwater monitoring, Surface water monitoring
Landfill Remediation
Landfill Remediation Pollutants
Pollutants: Ammonium (NH4), Arsenic, Gasoline, diesel, heating oil (TPH), Lead, BTEX, Chrome, Cyanide, Iron, Cadmium, Copper, Manganese, Nickel, PAH, Phenols / Chlorophenols, Thallium, Mercury
Groundwater Remediation
Groundwater Remediation Properties
Expert services: Monitoring
Details about the services provided
  • Assurance procedures




Sanierungsgesellschaft für Deponien und Altlasten mbH

Industry: Landfill Remediation
Sandfleck 1
98597 Breitungen/Werra
Thuringia, Germany, Europe
Confirmed reference on 02/17/2020 by Sanierungsgesellschaft für Deponien und Altlasten mbH
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